Your Journey Begins Here



Pamela is  a Health and Fitnness Enthusiast.  Her journey to wellness started  over 19 years ago when she began weight training as a pastime, which has since evolved into a full-time career of coaching others on their journey to wellness.  Pamela has helped many people  transform their lives, break barriers, build confidence and so much more through her professional coaching.

At the core of a happy person is the quality of their mental, spiritual and physical health.  Pam’s training style incorporates bodybuilding, crossfit, low and high intensity workouts as well as mobility and meditation.  Exercise and Nutrition work hand in hand, at Mind Muscle Journey we utilize a comprehensive approach to wellness that aligns with an individuals’ goals.  

The goal is to live life fully, enjoy it and be an inspiration to many!


Work With Me

Reset & Rejuvenate

This Program focuses on creating and maintaining a healthy mind and relationship with nutrition and exercise.

Gym Journey

A comprehensive 8 week Gym based program that focuses on strength training nutrition and rest.

Home-based Workout

A program suitable for home. Workouts geared towards muscle building and fat loss.


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